Friday, January 4, 2008

Lasagne with sweet potatoes and bell peppers

I(Dad) experimented with a new dish last week when we hosted a dinner for friends - a vegetarian lasagne - and it turned out swell, if I do say so myself, heh heh.

Here's the recipe...

- Lasagne noodles
- Sweet potatoes
- Milk
- Assortment of bell peppers (green, red, yellow, orange)
- Shredded mozzarella
- Shredded parmesan
- Thinly sliced gouda to top off the lasagne(optional)
- Salt, pepper and sugar
- Cumin, oregano, lemongrass powder
- Chopped onions and garlic

1. Microwave sweet potatoes for a few minutes to soften. Peel skin off, cut into smaller pieces, and blend into puree with milk. Add salt, pepper, sugar to taste. Set aside.
2. Fry chopped onions and garlic until caramelized, then add to sweet potato puree from step 1. Add cumin, oregano and lemongrass poweder to taste.
3. Now to layer the lasagne into the pan: start with a layer of puree at the bottom. Next, add a layer of chopped bell peppers, followed by a sprinkle of mozzarella and parmesan, then cover with a layer of lasagne noodles. Repeat two more times.
4. After the top layer of lasagne noodles has been set, sprinkle mozzarella and parmesan/gouda on top. The gouda will tend to be more crispy/crunchy.
5. Place in pre-heated oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and bake for 45-60 minutes. Place the pan at the bottom of the oven to prevent over-browning, or cook covered until the last 15 minutes.


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